Rooting is useful on Android, but if you're looking to sell your device, or simply want to revoke your root privileges, it's useful to know how to unroot. Read our guide on how to unroot your Android phone or tablet. Having root privileges is the equivalent of administrator privileges on a desktop PC. It just enables you to fully access and change things on your Android phone. However, some find the extra functionalities dangerous or want it disabled due to certain functions and apps not working. Niantic, the creators of the vastly popular Pokemon GO app disabled the use of rooted Android phones and jailbroken iOS devices. You might also want remove root in order to receive official software updates, where some phone manufacturers prevent OTA updates if you're rooted - understandably you might want to permanently unroot your Android phone or tablet, so here's our guide. To check if you've got root, we recommend downloading Root Checker for free on the Play...
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